Interview – Ranking Roger of The Beat July 2013 To mark Demon Record’s heavyweight re-issue of seminal 2 Tone album, “Wha’ppen?” we take the opportunity to talk to The Beat’s Ranking Roger about his memories of the album and the 2 tone period, his new project with his son Ranking Junior (pictured above with Ranking…

Interview: Ranking Roger of The Beat | United Reggae

Arguably the festival’s highlight was the appearance of the legendary ‘The Beat’ from Birmingham in the U.K. ‘The Beat’ enjoy a unique and proud position in reggae’s rollercoaster ride.  They played a crucial role during the 1980s in adapting the genre to a British audience, successfully merging it with the emotions of disaffected punk rockers…

Ranking Roger Interviewed…

Ahead of The Beat kicking off Grassington Festival, Matty Hebditch interviewed Ranking Roger … Matty Hebditch: How’s your summer going so far? Ranking Roger: It’s not really much of a summer anymore is it? We’ll find out whether there really is a summer in the next couple of weeks but so far it’s been good.…