Interview: Ranking Roger of The Beat | United Reggae

Arguably the festival’s highlight was the appearance of the legendary ‘The Beat’ from Birmingham in the U.K. ‘The Beat’ enjoy a unique and proud position in reggae’s rollercoaster ride.  They played a crucial role during the 1980s in adapting the genre to a British audience, successfully merging it with the emotions of disaffected punk rockers…

Ranking Roger Interviewed…

Ahead of The Beat kicking off Grassington Festival, Matty Hebditch interviewed Ranking Roger … Matty Hebditch: How’s your summer going so far? Ranking Roger: It’s not really much of a summer anymore is it? We’ll find out whether there really is a summer in the next couple of weeks but so far it’s been good.…

Statement From Ranking Roger…

Margaret Thatcher the people’s back stabber, That is how I remember her, Only caring for the rich and leaving the poor to suffer. She was also responsible for causing so much unemployment and misery. Sold everything we the people had, and killed the unions while she was at it. I also remember, Thatcher not only…